Empower your employees

The 6-Week Food Choice Nutrition Programme is an evidence based programme aimed at empowering employees to reach their nutrition related goals. Whether working from home or in the office, the 1-1 support with a registered nutritionist or dietitian is employee centred, collaborative and empathetic.

Evidence Based Approach

The Difference We’re Making

Over 1,170 employees in 2023

Reported Eating More Mindfully
Reported Increased Energy Levels
Reported Better Digestion/Less Bloating
Reported Better Sleep

Employees are improving their dietary behaviours, health status and quality of life while reducing their risk of developing diet-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and stroke.

Goals Made Easier

with bespoke tools for employees


Tailored practical guidance and useful tips


Healthy snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner (plant-based, meat, fish)


Bite-sized nutritional intel. Guides on portion sizes, alcohol consumption and caffeine etc.

A total of 2 hours and 20 minutes flexible 1-1 consultation time (in person or virtually) with a registered nutritionist or dietitian over 6 weeks.

Employees receive tailored practical advice, useful tips, 30+ calorie and traffic light labelled recipes and bite-sized nutrition intel. Each 6-week programme is personal, practical and achievable!

The impact is measured at an employee level and at an organisation level. Following completion of the programme, a report is prepared to share the impact on employees’ health status, dietary behaviours and overall wellbeing, including case studies and feedback from employees.

The 6-Week Food Choice Nutrition Programme is proven to improve employees’ dietary behaviours and overall health status using an evidence-based approach. Employers will receive a comprehensive client-specific report with data showing the impact of the programme. By offering this service, employees will feel supported by their employer on a personal level, and this can help to connect, motivate and retain employees leading to improved performance and reduced absenteeism.

What our clients
and their employees are saying

Evidence Based Graph

“I have lost a good amount of weight, and I am on track to losing more weight. My clothes also fit me better and I have so much more energy.”

Male Employee, 35 yrs

“The portion sizes, eating more protein, being mindful of what could be deficient in my diet, reduced snacking and healthier snacking are all a regular part of my eating habits now.”

Female Employee, 39 yrs

“Great experience, the programme helped to get some eating structure in place. I feel more mindful about my food choices and having an eating structure in place has had a positive impact. This has been a massive improvement for me compared to my lifestyle before starting the programme. I have become more confident in my food choices. I have really enjoyed the recipes which are family-friendly. My consultant answered my questions and provided lots of support.”

Female Employee, 42 yrs

Let’s Chat

Do you want to make the healthy choice more convenient for your employees? We’d love to hear from you.